As the Chesapeake Utilities new Dover Campus nears substantial completion in the Spring of 2018, we begin to see the attention to detail emerge throughout the project. We can’t wait to share the overall project completion with you later this year, but in the meantime, we want to take this opportunity to feature some of the underlying design details that come together to create this beautiful project.

The zinc panel patterns featured on the main building facade began with an efficient framing dimension for the rain screen system. Although the pattern was derived from cost-effectiveness, we took the opportunity to highlight the subtle irregularity of the natural zinc finish through an irregular panel pattern. The subtle variations caused by zinc oxidation process will continue to change as the panels develop their natural patina.

The brick pattern featured in the main lobby of the new office building is a Flemish bond, typical of the traditional historic masonry buildings throughout downtown Dover. The choice to go with this traditional pattern for the brickwork was rooted in the very history of Chesapeake Utilities in Dover, Delaware. The Corporation traces its roots in Dover all the way back to 1859, when the company opened its doors as the Dover Gas Light Company.
The new Dover Campus will now be home to several different subsidiaries within the corporation, including Eastern Shore Natural Gas and Chesapeake Utilities. You can read more about the design and consolidation process here.